Sunday, March 28, 2010


While hunger could incite love, Love often aspires hunger.

But, a puff, a muff, a nap. a nap, a muff, a puff is rather nice way to start some day.
So, every time you irk, it instead could have been an opportunity; despite the fact - you will consummate what you will love.

And what you will not welcomingly expect, you will be frightened off, for you might want to believe : each succeeding realisation is stronger than preceding realisation and every generation is wiser, so they claim themselves.
However, like sincerity is directly proportional to maturation the preceder generation sees this as their ignorance.

So, accept, deject - we are out of consummation. we live consummation.
we consummate till the end of us; helpless, but it's evolution and devolution of a thought : wish. hope. desire, lust.

Yesterday doesn't count
Tomorrow can't be counted
Today is the day which in, most times, its not so much about excitement as it is about the neath lying curiosity...

what is it that the thirst seeks? —————————————————————————————————
if you have read it as is, try a new perspective. read random combinations of paragraphs, ignoring the order they have been written in. see life afresh :)

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